Edison Gazette has been my pen-name (Douglas W Jerving) since 1977.
The original Edison Gazette website is no longer my domain. Someone bought it after
I relinquished it in 2003. I wish I had kept the domain name rights since I no
longer have control over what gets published there. We live and learn!
In 1977 I was nineteen years old, and had recently re-committed my life to Jesus
Christ. I began on my own a study of Biblical theology and ethics, and was very much
aware of the calling of God on my life to a teaching and writing ministry. I also was
aware, even then, that I would never be allowed to live by that ministry, but that
it would always be a labor of love; one done simply for the joy of God's kingdom.
Soon I began writing satirical commentary on the social phenomena
pertaining to the times in which I lived. I "published" those ideas under the pen
name "Edison Gazette", posting them on the bulletin board of the Cousins Subs
sandwich shop where I worked. (I worked at their very first shop before they hit
the big time!)
In the late 90’s I began writing the
website www.edisongazette.com as an extension of the off-line writ.
The old site was dedicated mostly to eBook reviews and sales. Obviously,
I got a bit side-tracked, and I never did make any serious money, although I did
learn a whole lot about writing for ad copy. But that was never my goal or heart.
I always wanted to return to my poetry and social commentary.
This site is simpler in layout; it is built around my creative endeavors mostly
to the exclusion of monetary interests. There are, at times, a few adverts here,
but only enough to help support the cost of keeping the site active. The
NewEdisonGazette.com website is dedicated to my meditations and cogitations as a
Christian thinker, writer and artist.
Thomas Edison is known as the inventor of the light bulb, and the
democritization of electrical power. (That may be true in popular
thinking, if not scientific exactness, but Nicola Tesla is the real unsung hero.
Maybe this site should have been called the New Tesla Gazette. But that is water
under the bridge after thirty-seven years.) The New Edison Gazette is dedicated
to enlightenment in all areas of thought. The New Edison Gazette consists
of my writings, reviews, and art about contemporary life. It is a Gazette.
Since the thoughts contained here are based on the New Life we find in Jesus
Christ, this is the NEW version of that original site. The NewEdisonGazette.com
is, therefore, equivalent to New Light News.
Here you will find my writing, my poetry and art. I'm not selling anything
unless you count my opinion. Writing is my life. Without it I have no voice. Art
is my heart. I have worked as an artist in oils all my life, and as a poet for
just as long. You can now find my art portfolio online for the first time.
This site is evolving, as all websites do. I have started simply, but I
am sure this will change, but not so much as to move beyond this original
statement of purpose.

Doug Jerving
"If you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, by all means try it!" --W. Clement Stone
Most Recent Posts
The Sovereignty of the Individual
by Douglas W Jerving © December 24, 2021
The Sovereignty of the Individual
Life is the same as the market. The financial world is a microcosmic display of your
whole life.
Continue reading this article here!
Some Website Trivia and History
by Douglas W Jerving © December 19, 2021
Some Website Trivia and History
Just the other day I reworked my Lazy Dog Productions logo, and was asked by a friend
what the old version looked like. (It was never used a lot.)The first image shown
above is the new logo. I like it a lot. (I hope you do too!)
The second image was the old one. I have no idea where I got that picture from. Somewhere
online. I just modified it to suit my purposes many years ago. It was from back when my
website was without the ”new“. Unfortunately, I let that expire and someone
else bought the rights to it. I am still waiting for them to forget to update it. When
(if) that happens I have the immediate option to reclaim it, which I will. I don't think
that will happen, but if it does I will repark all my current data to it so that it will
be identical to my current website (this one). Then I will wave a big FU to the person
who ”stole“ it.
Edison Gazette has been my pen name since I was 19 years old (1976). At that time,
the Edison Gazette was a one-page satirical commentary on Milwaukee social life
that was published about once a month on the bulletin board of Cousins Subs on 60th
and Silver Spring Drive in Milwaukee. (I worked there, so I got away with that sort of thing.)
My favorite post from that time used a picture from the Great Circus Parade which
came through Milwaukee at that time. The caption and article was about the Milwaukee Gay
Peoples' Union going on a march through downtown. (No apologies. That was the Seventies.)
EdisonGazette.com was my website name from about 1995(? date unsure) until I lost it
because I could no longer afford the domain fee. Feeding my family was more important. Since
2000, when I started up again, I have been, officially, NewEdisonGazette.com. If
you go to the very bottom of my homepage you will see my copyright is 2000-2021.
So what about the Lazy Dog logo?
It has been used by me from before the start-up of this current version of NEG and back as
far as the original site. That is why the original logo says Edisongazettedotcom
rather than NewEdisonGazette.com. It goes back that far. It has been used only for
rare posts by me to Youtube and other odd posts on social media. But of course, it
is still valuable to me because it is a part of my branding. That is why you see my
signature and copyright date on it, like everything else I publish.
I have to say one more thing. There really is nothing lazy about this dog. I have worked
hard to make this the best website that is simple to use and fun to peruse. I take a lot
of time to find the best material for my readers and to write things that will benefit them.
I hope that everyone that stops by will find something of great value.
My barks and bytes are all for you!
The Church of Achan
by Douglas W Jerving, June 13, 2021
The Church of Achan
Thank you all for your support of my wife. Her sexual abuse in a church
that should have protected her is now just a sad fact of history. For
the sake of all other persons so abused in places that should have been
a refuge, I continue to write.
Please understand this as well: We were, and still are, to some extent,
Christians who fall outside the mainstream. We lived most of our lives
within the context of ethical nonresistance, i.e., do not fight back
against your aggressors, but instead, turn the other cheek and pray for
them. That is certainly what she did.
I did a lot less than that. I told the man if he ever touched my wife
again, I would break all his teeth out of his mouth. I guess I violated
the principle of nonresistance at that point, even though I gave the man
scriptural reasons for my intention: “He [God] shall break their teeth...”;
“He shall break them with an iron rod...”; “Do I not hate them that hate
thee? I hate them with a perfect hatred.” Just quoting these scriptures
to the man was all it took to cause our expulsion (excommunication) from
the church.
So basically, we were excommunicated from Eagles Nest Church in Menomonee
Falls, WI, by the pastor AND his wife, Timothy and Colleen Winter because
we refused to fellowship with Noel Lie (not his real name) unless he
acknowledged and repented of his physical and emotional sexual advances
towards my wife.
Everything I understand about Church Discipline is exactly the opposite
of what happened.
Pastor Tim Winter has the same theological background as me. We studied
under the same teachers for years. We took Hebrew and Greek together. We
studied Biblical Theology, Old and New Testament theology, Biblical ethics,
etc., all from the same sources, and often sitting side by side in the same
classes. Today I can still pull off my shelf the writings of our common
mentor, Dr. Hobart E. Freeman, Th.D.
In his book, published posthumously, Exploring Biblical Theology Freeman
on the subject of church discipline says “A third cause for discipline is
gross immorality. Such sins are to be dealt with promptly by the
excommunication of the offender. There is never any preliminary procedure
prior to the excommunication. Of course, if there is repentance, the
individual may be restored to fellowship (I Corinthians 5:1-13).” p.245.
So how does that justify excommunicating the offended party even while the
offender has never repented either privately or publicly? I would think
that he should at the very least have confessed his transgression to the
pastor with the intent that such confession would be immediately conveyed
to the damaged party. That never happened. Instead, we were summarily
“excused” from fellowship because we would not “forgive”.
Do not ever try to explain to me why people do not go to church anymore.
I just gave you one example out of thousands more like it.
The modern-day church uses the excuse that sinners and hypocrites should
be able to find a home in the church.
“Don't criticize the church because of their hypocrisy! Just forgive
yourself and become one of them. The best place for sinners and hypocrites
and liars and thieves and adulterers and homosexuals and perverts of every
sort is the church because there they will be forgiven and excused and
learn to be a little less promiscuous, perverted, and ungodly.” And on
and on ad nauseum.
The church should be calling all such people to repentance or demanding
that they depart. Burn the rainbow flag and the white flag of surrender
to the ethics of this world. The church needs to be the Church again,
where the unchurched learn to live godly and pure lives, and where those
who refuse to do so get “Churched”, which is a longstanding euphemism for
“As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” If it is necessary, we
will only be a church in our own home and with those who come into our
home. We will partake of the unleavened bread and the real wine in its’
purity from the table of the LORD that He has provided us.
We will never again be a part of the house of Achan. The gold of Jericho
will not be hiding under my rugs. Read the book of Joshua if you do not
know what I mean.
Addendum: A comment from my wife Patty Jerving, the woman who was the
primary victim in the case discussed above.
I was liberated from organized church because of that incidence and
I've been happy about that. I have forgiven everyone involved who turned
a blind eye to my suffering and anguish. But the worse of it was the
fact that the pastor didn't just demonize the victim (me) but actually
promoted the sinner and made him first a teacher in that church, then a
pastor, later an "evangelist", and finally an "elder" there. After
making the man his elder, the pastor refused to allow anyone to criticize
the sinner, not even that church's overseer. But of course the real
losers were the congregation of that church who never knew there was
a predator in their midst.
Conspirations About CVD_SRS
by Douglas W Jerving, May 30, 2021
Conspirations About CVD_SRS
I had the CVD-SRS in 2019 months before it became a "thing".
Dateline Oct. 2019: Seattle, WA began seeing a huge spike in respiratory
illnesses among military personnel who were recently returned from areas
closely tied to Wuhan China.
Dateline Oct. 2019: Early in the month of October, the general populace
in Seattle began seeing a spike in non-pneumonia respiratory illnesses
that were not definable except as a very bad cold, which is a C virus.
Dateline Oct. 2019: A group of people from XYZ company in Waukesha, WI
attend a conference in Seattle, WA. All of the attendees come back to
Wisconsin and soon experience mild to serious respiratory illness. Co-workers
who had not gone to the Seattle conference begin to experience the same
respiratory affliction.
Dateline Oct. 2019: My son, who works for XYZ company experiences a mild
case of the same illness. A week after he visits us in Milwaukee, WI, I
get sick with the worst respiratory illness I have ever experienced. I
thought I had pneumonia, but the doctors said it was just a very bad
chest cold. I missed a week of work. Two weeks later, my wife came down
with the same thing and was sick for three weeks. By the time this had
run its course we were well into November of 2019.
Dateline Jan. 2020: The US government finally admits that some new
strain of a cold virus is circulating, and they predict it to be as
devastating as the black plague, or at least the Spanish Flu of 1920.
Strange how the 2020 pandemic was exactly 100 years after the 1920
pandemic! I must wipe the conspiration off my brow!
Legal Form to Submit to Your Employer Before You Receive the EUA Covid-19
Public domain discovery by Douglas W Jerving, May 21, 2021
Legal Form to Submit to Your Employer Before You Receive the EUA Covid-19
This form was found on LewRockwell.com posted by Becky Akers with
thanks to David Mueller. The reference there may no longer be found without
difficulty. It is titled on my Legal documents page as
This is the most up to date legal document I have found for submission
to an employer that demands the covid injection before allowing you to
continue your employment with them.
Continue reading this article here!
Answers to a Critic Who Should Know Better
by Douglas W Jerving © April 10, 2021
Answers to a Critic Who Should Know Better
“The powers that exist are ordained by the Lord. He brings men and women to power and He
removes them. My trust is in God.”
Do we have about 40 years of time to analyze the theology? Those are all great questions. But I
don't give pat answers to anything that requires that kind of weight. I think you have enough
confidence in me to realize I do have good answers that suit me, and that I don’t make any
philosophical, theological or ethical decisions without deep consideration.
The question about who rules this world, or who is the god of this world, and therefore, who
selects the rulers of this world, from a Biblical point of view, can only be answered by our
personal understanding of what the Bible says about those things. For the Christian, that must
be answered by what the Bible itself says.
Continue reading this article here!
Ezekiel 34:18,19 - Forgiving and Forgetting
by Douglas W Jerving © March 13, 2021
Ezekiel 34:18,19 - Forgiving and Forgetting
Some thoughts based on Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34.
Read the above scripture passages and then tell me that the victims should
forgive and forget. Forgive, yes, because that is how you move on. Forget?
What do you mean by that? Do you mean stop telling others what the facts
are? Cover over the crimes? Fail to warn others of the danger? Allow others
to become victims because you don't want to seem vindictive?
If it was you sexually assaulted, or your wife, or daughter, or son, or
your sister, your mother, your cousin, your aunt, your dearest friend, or
even a woman you work with, would you excuse it? Cover it up? Refuse to
expose it? Testify in court if need be?
Continue reading this article here!
Hard Copy Your Life
by Douglas W Jerving © January 9, 2021
Hard Copy Your Life
If you are a serious writer, poet, author, whatever, do yourself a
favor RIGHT NOW!
Hard copy ON PAPER everything that you intend for those who come after you. Do not
depend on the digital files that you have so meticulously kept records of online,
on drives, in clouds, etc.
Back up on paper every shred that may be important to you, your archivers,
your attorneys, or your future readers and/or researchers. Paper copy
everything you think may be of value to your posterity including personal
correspondence, notes, memos, receipts, etc.
If you do not have a physical, real, in-your-hand, or on-your-shelf, or
in-your-file-cabinet copy of your work you are at risk of a terrible loss,
possibly within this new decade.
If you do not have a physical, real Bible get one now. Read it cover to
cover. Even the boring stuff. You don't have to memorize it, just get it
in your memory from continuous reading and re-reading. Hard-copy the Bible
to your brain. You cannot lose it that way, and no one can take it away
unless they erase your head, and believe me, they will try.
Occupy Now
by Douglas W Jerving © January 9, 2021
Occupy Now
I encourage everyone that loves America, is conservative or libertarian or is a
Bible-believing Christian to exit Facebook and Twitter, with a few exceptions.
If you are running a business that depends on those platforms, stay on them until you
are matching or exceeding your results on a new platform. That may not take as long
as you think.
If you are using those platforms as a tool to directly challenge the left with the
truth, stay on, and keep doing what you are doing until they force you off. That may
not take long either!
If you are using FB and Twitter as evangelistic tools to share the Gospel, stay
with it if possible.
Remember that culture wars are not won by handing the culture over to those who
hate you and retreating into your little Christian cocoon. That is how we got
into this mess in the first place. The goal of our opponents is to marginalize
us; to shut us up and shut us down.
Jesus told us to "occupy" until he returns. That is war terminology, and we
are in a war. Occupation implies that we are already victorious. We are just
waiting for our General, our King, Jesus Christ, to return for the final events
to take place.
For me, all three reasons are applicable. They may not all, or any of them,
apply to you.
Continue reading this article here!
Drawing with Your Non-Dominant Arm
by Douglas W Jerving © February 19, 2017
Drawing with Your Non-Dominant Arm
First off: I never saw this in any art book, tutorial, or video. I just decided on my own to
try developing my opposite hand/arm to more fully understand how my dominant hand/arm works.
This was, and is, a science experiment, as far as science and art may conjugate.
Artists understand that eye-muscle coordination is a large part of their skill. Discipline
the hand to respond to the eye and vice-versa. This is known in the art community as
muscle-memory. Musicians use the same technique; for instance, hand drumming requires teaching
the muscles in the hands to respond in certain coordinated patterns of rhythm. Practice makes
the eye and the hand correspond. This is exactly how children learn hand-eye coordination. It
is how they learn to draw and how to write their letters. By default, children favor the
dominant hand to the exclusion of the non-dominant, unless they are encouraged (or forced) to
favor the other hand.
Continue reading this article here!
The Baby-Boomer Gap
by Douglas W Jerving © November 14, 2016
The Baby-Boomer Gap
I don't know the data regarding the observations I am about to make. There may
be some demographic studies available to support or toss off my thinking on this
subject, but I’m not going to waste my time digging around for them. I suspect the
history I am about to present already amplifies my observations, so that the addition
of statistical data is merely redundant. I also suspect that the clear majority of
everyday Americans already understand that what I am saying rings true.
As a kid growing up in the 'sixties and early 'seventies I remember constantly hearing
about a so-called generation gap. The pundits of that time were reiterating the
university tenured sociologists and political scientists who decried a fundamental
divide between the “younger generation” and the ideals of their parents’ generation.
Strangely, they ignored the fact that a substantial portion of that younger generation
gladly went off to Vietnam to fight the global threat of communism. They also
conveniently backwatered the large minority of conservative Goldwater Republicans,
many of whom were young people.
Continue reading this article here!
Flash Drives and the Death Star
by Douglas W Jerving © December 04, 2016
Flash Drives and the Death Star
I am officially done with USB flash/thumb drives. Too many incompatibilities.
OneDrive works better, and so does Google Play. Sorry to you diehard anti-clouders,
but your technology is going the way of the VCR. External HDs will soon go that way
as well.
My thumb drives were only used for file transfer between my various devices anyway,
and they never were very secure platforms if they were lost or stolen. Half the time
they were unrecognizable from one device to the other, and when you are using 5
different devices it is a nightmare trying to juggle all their various updates,
including software that is no longer supported.
Continue reading this article here!
The End of the World
by Douglas W Jerving © June 24, 2017
The End of the World
Conversation recorded at the end of the world:
"We need the space contractor running this weekend. Make it happen."
"It can't run continuously because we do not have parts in stock to replace
the broken pin. A number 6 or equivalent mm bolt of the same length will do,
but is not in stock."
"Steal it from the proto-confab system. We are not running that."
Continue reading this article here!
Space and Time as Limits to Our Science
by Douglas W Jerving © May 21, 2017
Space and Time as Limits to Our Science
On the sub-atomic level an event can be experienced at the same time in two
different places. That is basic quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a
contrarian challenge to standard physics, but still theoretically true based
on Einstein's theories, since time is a relative version of space. Space is
compressed by time, and time is compressed as it approaches the light constant.
Special relativity (E=MC squared) is the touchstone for all later physics,
including quantum mechanics. The smaller the relation between time and space,
the closer the existence of events becomes. As events take place based on
time/space, on the sub-atomic level it is possible for the same event to happen
at the same time at different spaces because both events happen at the same
relative time. In fact, however, such simultaneous events take place faster
than our ability to measure them.
Continue reading this article here!
by Douglas W Jerving © January 28, 2017
When I was seventeen I was frequently using LSD. One experience I had has continued to
influence my thought processes to this day. I saw myself standing outside a
friend's house and needing to manipulate the pattern of it in order to gain access.
It was like something out of the Matrix or Minority Report movies. This was a few
years before the first Star Wars movie came out. I had never even heard of
holographic projection. Virtual Reality touch screens were beyond the pale.
There I was, suddenly realizing that I could manipulate the visual interface in
front of me in order to gain access to this world beyond the wall. And I realized
that this was a game like Chess. If I moved the pawns properly, the wall would
open and I would access the next level.
I knew this was my friend's home, and that I could enter it if I wished, because I was
already his friend. The experience was not about the actual; it was about the potential.
Continue reading this article here!
Who are the “All” of Romans 3:20-24? Part One
by Douglas W Jerving © August 7, 2017
Who are the “All” of Romans 3:20-24? Part One
“Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is
the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed
by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all
and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned, and come short of the
glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus…”
-Romans 3: 20-24. (KJV)
How extensive is the “all” modifier in verse 23? Can it logically be applied to the clause “being justified”
in verse 24? If “all have sinned” are “[all] being justified”? And if so, who are the “all” Paul refers to?
That is the subject of the following meditation.
What I am about to discuss is a very serious issue. Please do not quote me or critique me if you have not
taken the time to closely read what I am about to say. You may be surprised by my conclusions and you owe
it to yourself to at least read everything first and think about it twice.
Continue reading this article here!
Who are the “All” of Romans 3:20-24? Part Two
by Douglas W Jerving © August 7, 2017
Who are the “All” of Romans 3:20-24? Part Two
In Part One we examined the possible implication of a limited universalism from the above passage from
St Paul. We saw that limited universalism means that salvation is effected upon all the fleshly descendants
of Adam, but not upon the fallen angels, demons or Satan. We considered the possibility that in the
eschatological judgment, some portion of mankind might choose, because of their thorough-going hatred for
God, to descend with Satan’s hordes into eternal punishment. We examined the possibility that Romans
3:23-24 implies such a limited universal salvation for all mankind. We gave serious interest to the
possibility that the last 2000 years of historical theology may be wrong, and showed that sentimentalism
is not equivalent to proper Biblical exegesis. In the end, the only proper way to resolve the questions
raised by Romans 3:20-24 is to interpret it from the internally consistent passage itself, and its
consistency with the rest of Scripture.
In this second part, we will see that Paul was not at all a universalist, and that Romans 3:20-24 does
not teach the nearly universal salvation of all mankind.
Continue reading this article here!
Revelation 20:1-10. Millennial Schizophrenia
by Douglas W Jerving © July 22, 2017
Millennial Schizophrenia
Christian theology and consequently Christian ethics are largely understood and practiced on the
framework of our eschatology (i.e., our view of the end of all things). Where did we come from,
and where are we going and how does that influence our present reality, are the questions behind
all philosophy, theology and ethics, no matter what religion or philosophy to which you adhere.
Even atheism or agnosticism find this tripartite inquiry inevitable.
Christianity has always answered the query in one decisive way. Despite differences of opinion
regarding the out-workings of Christian doctrine, there is one basic concept to which all Christian
thought conforms regarding last things. That constant is that the Kingdom of God, through Christ,
shall have world-wide dominion. Ultimately, Jesus Christ shall rule all the world, and His law shall
be established through all the earth. Despite our different interpretations of how this comes about,
we all agree on that one basic point.
Continue reading this article here!
A few of my favorite quotes:
By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be a boss and work
twelve hours a day. -Robert Frost.
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have
the key.
-The Eagles.
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force! Like fire it is a troublesome
servant and a fearful master.
-George Washington.
War is the world's favorite spectator sport.
-Capt. Benjamin Franklin (Hawkeye) Pierce of MASH 4077. [MASH TV series.]
Never apologize, never explain, never retract; get it done and let 'em holler.
Let the little dogs bark.
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Contact Information:
DJ Enterprises, Jerving Studios and Lazy Dog Productions
Douglas W. Jerving, Editor
Address upon email request