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Book Reviews:

Although the heading for this section is Book Reviews, there is much more here than that. Think of this more as a section that reviews and critiques literary work of many sorts. Since human thought is not just oral repetitions passed down through history, but is mostly a tangible record independent of memorization, literature and the things that have developed out of literature are what we are concerned with in this section. As a result, we are not just studying books (in the sense of intellectual materials on a printed page). We are going beyond that since our present world goes beyond that.

There has never been a time in history when intellectual information has been made more widely available to the average reader, thinker, student, auto-didact, or even persons not willing to read much, but still interested in learning more about their world.

The title of this section, Book Reviews, is obviously somewhat anachronistic, implying typed words on paper bound between two covers. Still, we find ourselves continuously referring back to that definition, and redefining it anew. After all, we now have ebooks, and email, and text messaging, all of which really are the same thing as the old hard-copy books, but capable of nearly endless redistribution at very minimal cost and maximum benefit. (Some would say the "benefit" is the dumbing down of our entire culture. I disagree, since any idiot can take five more minutes to find a contrary opinion on a search engine. Stupidity starts with a failure to engage all of the facts.)

Since modern literature, and to some extent even ancient literature, tends to be developmental, and often-times written for the very purpose of further development and interpretation, we need to expand our concept of literature to include those more interactive and interpretive developments. We have already mentioned email, and ebooks, which lean heavily on the written page. Obviously PDF, Word, Deja Vu, and similar forms of electronic media relate closely to that same "written page" concept.

On the other hand, the concepts of development and personal interpretation of written literature is very old indeed. It goes at least as far back as the Greek and Roman stage, where literature developed into the performing arts. The Greek-Roman tragedy-comedies developed literary interpretation to a degree far beyond the strictly literary multi-voiced poetry of the ancient near east (for instance, Song of Solomon in the Old Testament Bible). Early Christians in the Patristic and Medieval eras developed this further as morality plays. During the modern era, stage-craft took "center stage" so to speak in the writings of William Shakespeare.

In the post-modern world, we had our start with Henrik Ibsen and a host of others. Broadway, and off-Broadway, Hollywood, Bollywood, stage and screen and everything in between; and now advance the novices posting their erudite (or not) vids to Facebook, Youtube, and so on. And for good measure we ought not forget that the interactive gaming industry begins with someone's written concepts reinterpreted into an audio-visual form of communication. It is really all just books rewritten in the language of their consumers.

Below, I break down my reviews into several different categories. But they are all literature in one way or another. Most are books on paper. Some are books on line in various file formats. I also review some short stories and articles, in both formats. Next, I am interested in plays and screenplays, cinematography, including fictional and nonfiction movies, documentaries, etc. Last, I am interested in games, interactive videos, dvd's and instructional materials.

I have no idea where technology will take us next, but I am fascinatedly awaiting the next step. My new “smart” phone interacts with all these modern versions of the written and interpretive word. Maybe in the near future my nanobot "tribe" (a group of microbiological robot cells specific to the individual, similar to designer genes) will be able to do all the tedious research work for me so I won't have to! Kind of like "scrubbing bubbles"! (Probably won't happen soon.)

Click any of the links below to read my review.

Book Reviews

From 2016

From 2015

Learning Spanish

From 2014

The Adolescent Pessimism of Modern Literature.

From 2012

Studies in Irenaeus: Against Heresies, (Five Volumes). Book I. Review, Part 1.

From 2011

Solomon Among the Postmoderns by Peter J Leithart. A Review and Critique by Douglas W Jerving

Against Christianity by Peter J Leithart. A Review and Critique, Part One: Christianity and Politics. by Douglas W Jerving

Against Christianity by Peter J Leithart. A Review and Critique, Part Two: Theology. by Douglas W Jerving

Against Christianity by Peter J Leithart. A Review and Critique, Part Three: Sacraments or Ordinances. by Douglas W Jerving

Against Christianity by Peter J Leithart. A Review and Critique, Part Four: Ethics. by Douglas W Jerving

Against Christianity by Peter J Leithart. A Review and Critique, Part Five: The Church and the State. by Douglas W Jerving

Short Story Reviews

From 2008

A Critique of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Benjamin Button

Plays, Screen-plays and Movies

From 2012

The Angel Levine

From 2011

A Critique of Robert Frost's A Masque of Mercy

Games and Apps

Instructional Materials: CD, DVD, and Online

From 2015

Learning Spanish

Stuff that doesn't fit the Above Categories
















Book Reviews Article Posts Culture Wars Bible Commentary Public Domain Poetry & Prophesy Event Horizon
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